Kimes Elementary School
1207 Reading St.
Streator, IL 61364
Phone: 815.672.2496
Fax: 815.672.1344
Mrs. Heather Ketcham, Principal
Email: [email protected]
Kimes School's Hours:
PreSchool For All
AM Classes M-T-TH-F: 8:30 a.m.-11:15 a.m. W- 8:30-10:00
PM Classes M-T-TH-F: 12:15 p.m.-3:00 p.m. W- 12:15-1:45
No school on 1/2 days=Family Involvement Activities
Kdg./1st Grade
8:00 a.m. Doors Open and Breakfast Begins
8:15 a.m. K/1 Classes Start
8:45 a.m. K/1 Tardy Time
3:05 Dismissal (2:05 on Wednesdays and Before Holidays)
Morning Drop Off Procedures start at 8:00 a.m.
Kimes School has only one lane for student drop off so it must be accessed from Reading St.
If Columbus Road is used - those cars cut in line of parents doing the right thing; those cars block the buses; those cars cause an unsafe intersection; and if "parked" at the stop sign waiting on Columbus Road, those cars can be ticketed.
At 8:15 a.m., a staff member is at the door to let students in. Do not drop off students before this time because it is unsafe. If you need to to spend time with your child before they leave your car, either park the car in a parking slot and walk up with your child or pull all the way up in the dismissal lane so the other cars can get by you. This will allow traffic to continue to flow.
At 8:45 a.m., your K/1 child is tardy so you will need to use the visitors' parking and report to the office with your child.
At 8:30 a.m., Preschool begins their drop off procedures.
Afternoon Pick Up Procedures start at 3:00 on regular dismissal days; 2:00 on early dismissal days; or 11:25 on 1/2 days.
All cars must line-up on Reading St.
Cars need to have name-card visible in windshield.
A staff member will radio the school that you are in line to pick up your child/children. You will proceed to the one pick up lane. Using the name-card, a staff member will match your child to your car.
Those families living in the neighborhood, can get approval to walk up to the dismissal line. Those families will have a special name-card.
Preschool dismisses at 2:45 p.m. so they need to be cleared before we start the K/1 dismissal.